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Andy Mallinson Actor

Photo © Colin Boulter - Neilsen Reeves 2024


Photo © Rory Lewis 2019

Andy gained screen acting training at The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in London, in a short course for film and television acting. Also training at Inspire Actors and The Speech Studio in northern England.


In short films, Andy has depicted diverse characters, notably playing Tom in 1.2 Million directed by Anastasia Arsentyeva, which received recognition, including the Orillo Award at Luma Film Festival 2019. Additionally, he portrayed Paul, a drug-addicted estate agent, in Morning Coffee directed by Danayet Gezaie, and a detective in The Knock by Deivos Films, directed by Curtis Cole .


Andy’s radio experience includes co-presenting a live, three-hour show on BBC Radio Manchester as part of their Over  To You scheme in 2017. This also resulted in delivering segments such as Thought For The Day and newspaper reviews at the station. His radio acting credits feature roles such as portraying Augustus Caesar, in Nativity directed by Rebecca Kelly, and embodying the leading character of George in the radio play 1942 directed by Terry Hall.


Andy's stage experience includes portraying Alex, an AI robot, in Love vs Logic with Off the Cuff Theatre Company at Lawrence Batley Theatre, under the direction of Lee Martyn. Furthermore, he inhabited the character of Keith, an autistic bus spotter, in The Bus Stop, a touring production directed by Margaret Holbrook.


Andy paused his acting career during the Coronavirus pandemic to serve as a Police Officer, dedicating over three years as a full-time trainee detective with West Yorkshire Police. During this time, whilst investigating domestic and sexual abuse, he was successful in passing the National Investigator’s Exam.

 Andy left the police service in January 2024.


Andy is the son of the late actress, singer and elocution teacher Susan Mallinson and the grandson of Chesterfield elocution teacher Molly Francis.

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